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Converting Values to Text

Plywood provides several functions to convert arbitrary values to text.

String a = String::format("{}\n", 123);
String b = String::from(123.0);
MemOutStream mout;
mout.format("\"{}\"\n", fmt::EscapedString{"C:\\plywood"});
mout << fmt::Hex{0xbadf00d};
String c = mout.moveToString();

The String::format() and OutStream::format() template functions accept a format string and a variable number of additional arguments. The number of additional arguments must match the number of occurrences of "{}" in the format string. Each argument will be converted to text according to its type. Plywood provides built-in support for the types listed in the following section. Support for additional types can be added by specializing the fmt::TypePrinter class template.

The String::from() template function accepts a single argument. The argument will be converted to text according to its type and returned as a String. This function supports the same types as String::format().

The OutStream::operator<<() template function also accepts a single argument. The argument will be converted to text according to its type and written to the OutStream. This function supports the same types as String::format().

Built-In Type Support

Plywood provides built-in support for converting the following types to text:


The fmt::Hex constructor accepts any integer or floating-point type. When converted to text, the fmt::Hex object prints the hexadecimal representation of its argument.

String::from(fmt::Hex{255});     // returns "ff"
fmt::WithRadix(value, u32 radix)

The fmt::WithRadix constructor accepts any integer or floating-point type as its first argument and an integer radix as its second argument. radix must be between 2 and 35 inclusive.

String::from(fmt::WithRadix{4095, 8});  // returns "7777"
String::from(fmt::WithRadix{109, 2});   // returns "1101101"
fmt::EscapedString(StringView view, u32 maxPoints = 0)

The fmt::EscapedString accepts a StringView and an optional maxPoints argument. When converted to text, the fmt::EscapedString object prints its view argument with special characters escaped.

String::from(fmt::EscapedString{"\t\"\n"});    // returns "\\t\\\"\\n"

Adding Support for Additional Types

You can add support for conversion to text from other types by specializing the fmt::TypePrinter class template. For example, suppose you have a type Foo. Add the following declaration to a header file somewhere:

template <>
struct ply::fmt::TypePrinter<Foo> {
    static void print(ply::OutStream* outs, const Foo& value);

Then, in a source file somewhere, implement the print function as follows:

PLY_NO_INLINE void ply::fmt::TypePrinter<Foo>::print(OutStream* outs, const Foo& value) {
    // Write some output to outs here...

This makes it possible to pass Foo to any of the String::format(), OutStream::format(), String::from() or OutStream::operator<<() functions.