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A 3x4 matrix of floating-point values having 3 rows and 4 columns.

A Float3x4 can represent any affine transformation in 3D space including rotations, scales, shears and translations.

The matrix is stored in column-major order. In other words, it's an array of four Float3 column vectors.

In general, a Float3x4 acts like a Float4x4 with [0 0 0 1] as the implicit fourth row. The main difference between Float3x4 and Float4x4 is that Float3x4 can't represent a perspective projection matrix.

Header File

#include <ply-math/Matrix.h>

Also included from <ply-math/Base.h>.


  Float3x4::Float3x4() [code]

Constructs an uninitialized Float3x4.

  Float3x4::Float3x4(const Float3& col0, const Float3& col1, const Float3& col2, const Float3& col3) [code]

Constructs a 3x4 matrix from the given column vectors.

Float3x3 m = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}};
 explicit Float3x4::Float3x4(const Float3x3& m3x3, const Float3& pos = {0, 0, 0}) [code]

Constructs a 3x4 matrix from a 3x3 matrix and optional fourth column vector. When the resulting 3x4 matrix transforms a Float3, it's equivalent to a transformation by m3x3 followed by a translation by pos.

Float4x4 m = {Float3x3::identity(), {5, 0, 0}};

Conversion Functions

 const Float3x3& Float3x4::asFloat3x3() const [code]

Returns a const reference to the first three columns as Float3x3 using type punning. This should only be used as a temporary expression.

 Float4x4 Float3x4::toFloat4x4() const [code]

Returns a 4x4 matrix by adding [0 0 0 1] as the fourth row.

Element Access

Float3& Float3x4::operator[](ureg i) [code]
const Float3& Float3x4::operator[](ureg i) const [code]

Accesses the column vector at the specified index. In general, m[3] can be thought of as the translation component.

Float3x4 m = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}};
m[0].x = -1;
StdOut::text() << m[3];  // "{0, 0, 0}"

Comparison Functions

bool operator==(const Float3x4& a, const Float3x4& b) [code]
bool operator!=(const Float3x4& a, const Float3x4& b) [code]

Returns true if the matrices are equal (or not equal) using floating-point comparison. In particular, a component with a value of 0.f is equal to a component with a value of -0.f.

Creation Functions

 static Float3x4 Float3x4::identity() [code]

Returns the identity matrix {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}.

 static Float3x4 Float3x4::makeScale(const Float3& arg) [code]

Returns a scale matrix.

 static Float3x4 Float3x4::makeRotation(const Float3& unitAxis, float radians) [code]

Returns a matrix that performs a counter-clockwise rotation around the specified axis following the right-hand rule. unitAxis must have have unit length and the angle is specified in radians.

 static Float3x4 Float3x4::makeTranslation(const Float3& pos) [code]

Returns a translation matrix.

 static Float3x4 Float3x4::fromQuaternion(const Quaternion& q, const Float3& pos = {0, 0, 0}) [code]

Returns a matrix that performs the same rotation as q. If pos is specified, it's used as the fourth column, so that the resulting matrix performs the same rotation as q followed by a translation by pos.

 static Float3x4 Float3x4::fromQuatPos(const QuatPos& qp) [code]

Returns a matrix that performs the same transformation as qp.

Matrix Operations

 Float3x4 Float3x4::invertedOrtho() const [code]

A fast method to compute the inverse of a 3x4 matrix whose first three columns are orthogonal. In other words, the input matrix must only consist of a rotation, translation and/or reflection; no scale or shear is allowed.

Float3 operator*(const Float3x4& m, const Float3& v) [code]

Transform the vector v by the 3x4 matrix m. v is interpreted as a column vector with an implicit fourth component equal to 1 and premultiplied by m. This transformation is equivalent to transforming v by the first three columns of m, then translating the result by the fourth column, as in m.asFloat3x3() * v + m[3].

If you don't want the implicit fourth component equal to 1, so that no translation is performed, use m.asFloat3x3() * v instead.

Float4 operator*(const Float3x4& m, const Float4& v) [code]

Interpret m as a 4x4 matrix with [0 0 0 1] as the fourth row and use it to transform the vector v.

Float3x4 operator*(const Float3x4& a, const Float3x4& b) [code]

Matrix multiplication. All matrices are interpreted as 4x4 matrices with [0 0 0 1] as the implicit fourth row.