Get Involved


A quaternion is commonly used to represent a 3D rotation. Like Float4, it consists of four floating-point components x, y, z and w.

Only unit quaternions (ie. quaternions with unit length) represent valid 3D rotations. The x, y and z components give the direction of the rotation axis, while the w component is the cosine of half the rotation angle. Rotation follows the right-hand rule in a right-handed coordinate system.

When working with quaternions and vectors, the * operator behaves differently depending on the type of the operands:

Header File

#include <ply-math/Matrix.h>

Also included from <ply-math/Base.h>.

Data Members

 float x [code]
 float y [code]
 float z [code]
 float w [code]

w is the fourth component. It follows z sequentially in memory.


  Quaternion::Quaternion() [code]

Constructs an uninitialized Quaternion.

  Quaternion::Quaternion(float x, float y, float z, float w) [code]

Constructs a Quaternion from the given components.

Quaternion q = {0, 0, 0, 1};
  Quaternion::Quaternion(const Float3& v, float w) [code]

Constructs a Quaternion from a Float3 and a fourth component.

Conversion Functions

 const Float3& Quaternion::asFloat3() const [code]

Returns a const reference to the first three components as a Float3 using type punning. This should only be used as a temporary expression.

 const Float4& Quaternion::asFloat4() const [code]

Casts to Float4 using type punning. This should only be used as a temporary expression.

Creation Functions

 static Quaternion Quaternion::identity() [code]

Returns the identity quaternion {0, 0, 0, 1}.

 static Quaternion Quaternion::fromAxisAngle(const Float3& unitAxis, float radians) [code]

Returns a quaternion that represents a rotation around the given axis. unitAxis must have unit length. The angle is specified in radians. Rotation follows the right-hand rule in a right-handed coordinate system.

 static Quaternion Quaternion::fromUnitVectors(const Float3& start, const Float3& end) [code]

Returns a unit quaternion that transforms start to end. Both input vectors must have unit length.

 static Quaternion Quaternion::fromOrtho(const Float3x3& m) [code]
 static Quaternion Quaternion::fromOrtho(const Float3x4& m) [code]
 static Quaternion Quaternion::fromOrtho(const Float4x4& m) [code]

Converts a rotation matrix to a unit quaternion.

Rotation Functions

 Quaternion Quaternion::inverted() const [code]

Given a unit quaternion, returns a unit quaternion that represents its inverse rotation.

This function actually returns the conjugate of the given quaternion by negating its x, y and z components, with the understanding that the conjugate of a unit quaternion is also its inverse.

 Float3 Quaternion::rotateUnitX() const [code]
 Float3 Quaternion::rotateUnitY() const [code]
 Float3 Quaternion::rotateUnitZ() const [code]

Rotates the special vectors (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1) by the given quaternion using fewer instructions than operator*().

  • q.rotateUnitX() is equivalent to q * Float3{1, 0, 0}
  • q.rotateUnitY() is equivalent to q * Float3{0, 1, 0}
  • q.rotateUnitZ() is equivalent to q * Float3{0, 0, 1}

This function will probably be replaced by an overload of operator*() that accepts Axis3 values.

Float3 operator*(const Quaternion& q, const Float3& v) [code]

Rotates the vector v by the quaternion q. q must have unit length.

Quaternion operator*(const Quaternion& a, const Quaternion& b) [code]

Composes two quaternions using the Hamilton product. If both quaternions have unit length, the resulting quaternion represents a rotation by b followed by a rotation by a.

Quaternion Functions

 Quaternion Quaternion::normalized() const [code]

Returns a unit quaternion having the same direction as this. The input quaternion must not be zero. When many unit quaternions are composed together, it's a good idea to occasionally re-normalize the result to compensate for any drift caused by floating-point imprecision.

Quaternion operator-(const Quaternion& q) [code]

Unary negation. All components of the original quaternion are negated. If the quaternion has unit length, the resulting quaternion represents the same 3D rotation as the original quaternion.

Interpolation Functions

 Quaternion Quaternion::negatedIfCloserTo(const Quaternion& other) const [code]

Returns either this or -this, whichever is closer to other. If this has unit length, the resulting quaternion represents the same 3D rotation as this.

In general, when interpolating between arbitrary quaternions a and b, it's best to interpolate from a to b.negatedIfCloserTo(a) since this form takes the shortest path.

 Quaternion mix(const Quaternion& a, const Quaternion& b, float f) [code]

Interpolates between two quaternions. Performs a linear interpolation on the components of a.negatedIfCloserTo(b) and b, then normalizes the result.