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HashMap Traits

To instantiate a HashMap, you must specialize it by defining a traits class. The traits class must declare a specific set of member types and static member functions, some of which are required and some of which are optional. The traits class is then passed as the sole template argument to HashMap.

Required Member Types

Every traits class must declare the following members:

typename Key

The type of the key used during lookup. The HashMap::find() and HashMap::insertOrFind() functions expect arguments of this type.

It must be possible to hash Key objects; in other words, to convert any Key object to a 32-bit hash value in a well-distributed way.

typename Item

The type that gets stored in the HashMap itself. The HashMap is basically a collection of Item objects. Given an Item object, it should be possible to determine if it matches a given Key.

static bool match(const Item&, const Key&)

Returns true if, for the purposes of this hash map, the given Item object matches the given Key. This function can also accept an optional third argument of type Context; see the "Using Contexts" section below.

Here's an example of a traits class from the WebServer that maps StringView to StringView. This HashMap doesn't own any string memory; instead, all strings are assumed to remain valid for the lifetime of the HashMap.

struct ContentTypeTraits {
    using Key = StringView;
    struct Item {
        StringView extension;
        StringView mimeType;
        PLY_INLINE Item(StringView extension) : extension{extension} {
    PLY_INLINE static bool match(const Item& item, Key key) {
        return item.extension == key;

Constructing New Items

If declared in the traits class, HashMap will use the following static member function to construct Item objects:

static void construct(Item*, const Key&)

Constructs an uninitialized Item from the given Key. Must ensure that the Item will be converted back to the given Key on subsequent lookups.

Otherwise, if Item exposes a constructor that accepts const Key&, that constructor is used to construct Item objects.

Otherwise, the default Item constructor is used. In this case, HashMap::insertOrFind() callers are responsible for initializing new Item object to a valid state.

Key Hashing

If declared in the traits class, HashMap will use the following static member function to hash Key objects:

static u32 hash(const Key&)

Compute a 32-bit hash value for the key.

Otherwise, HashMap will use a Hasher object to hash the key. Hasher provides built-in support for the following types. You can extend Hasher to support additional types by overloading operator<<().

Using Contexts

The traits class can declare an additional Context member type, then accept this type as the third argument to match:

typename Context

Provides additional context for Item-to-Key conversions.

static bool match(const Item&, const Key&, const Context&)

Returns true if, for the purposes of this hash map, the Item object matches the given Key in the given Context.

If both members are declared, the second argument to HashMap::find() and HashMap::insertOrFind() will be passed as the third argument to match(). Callers are reponsible for passing valid Context objects to those functions.

The Context object is intended to be a container type such as an Array, FixedArray, std::vector or Pool. In this case, Item can be declared as u32 and interpreted as the index into the other container.

Here's an example of a traits class, from Plywood's JSON parser, that implements the Context member type:

struct IndexTraits {
    using Key = StringView;
    using Item = u32;
    using Context = Array<Object::Item>;
    static PLY_INLINE StringView comparand(u32 item, const Array<Object::Item>& ctx) {
        return ctx[item].key.view();